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little snippets of advice for everyday challenges many people share

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Creating a Self-Care Toolkit for Mental Wellness in 2025

We put together this toolkit to be there to pick up the slack, and be the supportive friend you can turn to when 2025 starts to be just a little too much to manage on your own. This toolkit isn’t about meeting external expectations or achieving someone else’s version of wellness. It’s about creating the practice of returning to tools and relying on support that honor your unique needs, values, and experiences.

As 2024 is wrapping up, many of us are looking ahead and making plans for 2025. 

What if one of those plans was to put together a self care toolkit for your mental health? Instead of starting the new year with pressure to meet goals that may not suit you for the whole year, why not start the year with something to fall back on when you need help getting through something tough?

Taking care of your mental health can feel overwhelming. Between work stress, relationship challenges,financial pressures, and the challenge of navigating an increasingly lonely world, it’s too much to expect that you can handle all of those feelings and challenges without support.That’s why we put together this toolkit–to be there to pick up the slack, and be the supportive friend you can turn to when 2025 starts to be just a little too much to manage on your own.  

This toolkit isn’t about meeting external expectations or achieving someone else’s version of wellness. It’s about creating the practice of returning to tools and relying on support that honor your unique needs, values, and experiences.

To Challenge Perfectionism

Perfectionism can be hard to challenge, especially in today’s world where hustle culture and constant productivity are celebrated. And while it is a slow process, you can begin to challenge perfectionism with a simple practice of self compassion. While perfectionism likes to whisper to us that we’re not good enough no matter what we do or how much we accomplish, self compassion reminds you you’re good enough because you’re simply here. While perfectionism  works to amplify our anxiety and keep us stuck in cycles of self-criticism, self compassion can help you escape that cycle. In 2025, try replacing the drive for self perfection  with self-compassion.

  • Practice Imperfect Action: Allow yourself to do things well enough. Whether it’s sending that email without re-reading it five times or letting the laundry wait an extra day, try to take small actions that remind yourself that "good enough" is often good enough.

  • Speak Kindly to Yourself: Notice when your inner critic pipes up. Instead of berating yourself, try asking, "What would I say to a close friend in this situation?" Practice responding with that same kindness.For help on this, read our blog on "How to Quiet Your Inner Critic".

To Build Emotional Awareness 

Learning to self-regulate our emotions is a lifelong practice, but one that can offer insight and compassion to how we show up in the world. When emotions feel overwhelming, it can be hard to know where to start. Journaling offers a safe space to process your thoughts and feelings without judgment. If you’re trying to work through big emotions, try these practices:

  • Daily Check-Ins: Spend 5-10 minutes writing about what’s on your mind. Ask yourself questions like, "How am I feeling today? What do I need right now?"

  • Body Connection Prompts: Tune into your physical self, too. Try questions like, "Where do I feel tension or ease in my body? What is my body trying to tell me?"

Remember, journaling isn’t about creating beautiful entries or solving all your problems—it’s about showing up for yourself. If you feel held back by self consciousness, practice ripping up or throwing away your entries after you write them–you’re not writing to preserve history, you’re writing to get curious about yourself.

To Reframe Your Relationship with Movement

Moving your body can be a powerful tool for connecting to yourself and managing anxiety and depression symptoms, but only when approached with care and respect. Exercise does not need to be about punishing yourself, changing your body, or meeting external goals–in fact, gentle movement is most beneficial for you when it’s motivated by a desire to meet your body’s needs, not to punish it for not being what you think you should be. Try to:

  • Find Joy in Movement: Focus on activities that feel good for you–both physically and emotionally. This might mean dancing in your living room, taking a walk to clear your mind, or stretching in a way that releases tension. You don’t need to join a gym or follow a strict schedule or work with a trainer. You just need to notice what’s happening within you to get curious about how to meet your body’s needs.

  • Listen to Your Body: Some days, rest is just as valuable as movement. Ask yourself, "What kind of movement feels supportive today?" Maybe the answer is a few deep breaths, and that’s okay.If you're exploring movement, let it be an act of care—not obligation.

Seek Support When You Need It

Despite how it sounds, self-care does not mean doing everything on your own. One of the most powerful acts of self-care is reaching out for support when you need it. Whatever you’re navigating, therapy can offer a space to process, heal, and grow.

Creating a Toolkit That Works for You

Your self-care toolkit doesn’t need to look like anyone else’s. Maybe yours includes journaling and quiet walks, while someone else’s includes movement, deep breathing, and or joining a hobby sports league. What matters is that your tools feel accessible, compassionate, and responsive to your needs.

Be gentle with yourself as you create a toolkit that nourishes your mental wellness.

If you’re ready to explore additional support, we’re here to help. Reach out to a therapist today to take the next step on your wellness journey.Contact Us to learn more about how we can support you.

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Leaning Into the Season: How to Embrace Rest in Winter

What if winter isn’t a time to push through, but an invitation to slow down? Even if we can’t get there fully, like bears hibernating until spring, can we meet our need for slowness and rest this season halfway? Can we learn to welcome a season of rest? Embracing rest during this season can be a radical act of self-care and healing.

Do you feel a bit at odds with yourself during winter?

In a world that prioritizes productivity above all else, the natural rhythm of winter can feel at odds with our cultural expectations. While there are of course the serious concerns of seasonal affective disorder and managing the ways in which that impacts our daily wellness, but winter can often feel like a challenge because it’s asking us to remember that we’re beings of nature, not machines who can work at an endless pace. Winter demands we slow down and rest, and we struggle the most when we’re not able to engage with those needs.  

What if winter isn’t a time to push through, but an invitation to slow down? Even if we can’t get there fully, like bears hibernating until spring, can we meet our need for slowness and rest this season halfway? Can we learn to welcome a season of rest? Embracing rest during this season can be a radical act of self-care and healing.

What are the Barriers to Rest?

Our relationship to rest is shaped in part by the social and cultural norms we’ve internalized, by observing them in action in those around us. In a society reliant on white supremacist capitalist ideals, we’ve learned that we earn worth through productivity and accomplishment. The extension of that thought, is that instead of deserving rest because we exist and all beings need rest, we must earn it. We are praised for being busy, for hustling, and idealize those who  “push through” adversity, when in reality many folks cannot push through the obstacles in their path because they are systemic inequalities that only compound any obstacles encountered. 

The function of this is to keep us tired, lacking self esteem, not knowing how to take care of ourselves because it has never been a priority, and constantly feeling as though we need to prove our worthiness through running ourselves ragged. (If you’re interested in exploring the connection between capitalist culture and white supremacy, Tricia Hersey, founder of the Nap Ministry, explores just that in her book Rest is Resistance: A Manifesto.) 

This cultural relationship to rest is only one part, but often our personal and family histories only reinforce this toxic imbalance. Think of the environment you grew up in, did those in a caretaking role prioritize rest for themselves? Was rest viewed as a reward, or something that was nice when you were able to do it, but not a necessity? 

We’re often getting the same anti-rest messages on a micro level in our families and communities as we are from our culture at large. It may not be on purpose–while there is a larger function to keeping folks exhausted within capitalism, the lack of rest, or the inability to prioritize rest on a micro level is often due to the constraints of capitalism, where people are struggling to pay their bills, while working more than ever. 

Recognizing these patterns can help us understand why leaning into rest feels so difficult. Therapy can provide a supportive space to explore these histories and begin rewriting the narratives that no longer serve us.

The Challenges of a Slower Season

While it can be a calling to slow down and embrace rest, winter presents its own set of obstacles to navigate. The shorter, darker days make it hard to maintain energy and motivation through the day, while Seasonal Affective Disorder (SAD) can negatively impact mood, sleep, and daily health. Because of this–and our toxic relationship to rest–winter often becomes a season of struggle. We push ourselves to maintain the rhythms of our usual lives, even when our bodies,our minds, and our environment are all signaling the need to slow down.

But humans aren’t machines, and we can’t try to operate as though we are. We’re beings of nature, and just like everything in nature, we need seasons to rest. Nothing in nature grows or blooms all year long, so how could we?. This season of rest lays the foundation for growth and renewal in the spring. What if we allowed ourselves the same grace?

Unpacking the roots of our discomfort with rest is a powerful act of healing. 

Tips for Embracing Rest in Winter:

Give yourself grace if these practices don’t come naturally to you–we’re all unlearning and remaking our relationship with rest the best way we’re able to. Don’t give up on them if they’re hard. Give yourself permission to let go of the need to achieve:

  1. Honor Your Natural Rhythms: Listen to your body and mind, and notice when they’re asking for rest. Try to take note of what your body’s patterns are. When do you have the most energy? Can you embrace that as your “productivity” time, and allow yourself moments of rest and ease in the times your energy wanes or struggles to show up? Can you shift your daily routine for a season to make room for these needs? 

  2. Create Rest Rituals: Build small moments of rest into your day. They can be small things like lighting a candle, brewing a cup of tea, or spending a few minutes in quiet reflection. Try to keep a list of small ways you find rest through your days that you can turn to when you mind itself is too tired to come up with one. You can also use these small moments to signal to your body that it’s time to transition into resting mode.

  3. Remember rest serves a function: We are socialized to see rest as a luxury, or even a waste of time. But without rest, we cannot fully show up in other areas of our lives. Rest allows our mind to wander, strengthening our creativity and sense of self, and allows us time to tend to our body, which has needs that can’t be met when we’re productive. Remember rest nourishes you and enables you to show up more fully in other areas of your life.

  4. Seek Connection: You are not alone in your need for rest. Can you give a friend or loved one permission to rest with you, and in turn be granted permission from them to rest? Winter can feel isolating, and that isolation can make it hard to treat ourselves with the kindness we deserve. Relying on loved ones can be mutually beneficial as you start to rework your relationship with rest. 

Embrace the Gift of Winter

Winter invites us to pause, reflect, and restore. By leaning into this season and embracing rest, we can learn to honor the natural rhythms of our lives, and feel more assured in ourselves and our self worth. 

Are you struggling to keep up with the demands of everyday life during the winter? You’re not alone, and working with a therapist can help give you an outlet and find ways to cope in the winter months. Reach out to our office today for more information or to schedule an appointment with one of our clinicians. 

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Dealing with Food and Body Image Stress During the Holidays

Do you find yourself stressing about food and your body during the holidays? You’re not alone. Explore strategies to help you navigate food and body image stress during the holidays.

Do you find yourself stressing about food and your body during the holidays?

You’re not alone. The holidays can be a happy, exciting time of year, but they can also be a source of major stress, especially around food and body image. In a world that glorifies unrealistic beauty standards, it's no wonder that so many of us feel an immense sense of pressure about how we look and how others perceive our bodies. This is particularly during the holidays when food-based social gatherings and family interactions are in full swing. 

Why is body image so complicated?

The term “body image” refers to the thoughts, feelings, and beliefs we hold about our bodies. It’s influenced by a mix of personal experiences, cultural messaging, and societal standards. For many of us, body image is complicated, especially in a culture that idealizes unrealistic and exclusionary beauty standards, particularly for women. 

Our society often equates worthiness with appearance. Our culture values thinness, youth, whiteness, and wealth above all else. These harmful ideals make it difficult—if not impossible—to feel at home in your body. If you've ever felt "not good enough" because of how you look, you're experiencing the effects of these cultural pressures.

The holidays can intensify these feelings. Holiday gatherings often come with comments about appearance from family members, unsolicited advice about food, and the pressure to look a certain way in photos or at events. For those navigating disordered eating or eating disorder recovery, these pressures can feel even heavier.

Why are the holidays so stressful, anyway?

The holidays are supposed to be a fun, relaxing time, but that’s often not the experience people actually have. No matter what holidays you celebrate, the holiday season is steeped in traditions, many of which revolve around food. While sharing meals can be a source of joy and connection, it can also bring up things like: 

  • Food Anxiety: Whether it’s facing judgment for how much or how little you eat, navigating fear of certain foods, or feeling triggered by diet talk, food-centric events can feel overwhelming.

  • Body Comments: Many people dread the comments they receive on their bodies during holiday celebrations. Relatives or friends may feel entitled to comment on your body, often under the guise of "concern" or "compliments." These comments can be triggering, even if they’re well-intentioned.

  • Recovery Challenges: If you’re working on healing your relationship with food and your body, the holidays may stir up old habits, fears, or negative self-talk around your appearance. The holidays tend to be a difficult time for those in recovery from eating disorders or disordered eating. 

  • Family Dynamics: Being around family can bring up childhood wounds or patterns, particularly if body shaming or diet culture were a part of your upbringing. These dynamics can make it difficult to maintain your boundaries and values around food and your body. 

It’s okay, and normal, to feel a mix of emotions during the holiday season. You might be excited to see folks you don’t normally get to see while also dreading the food and body commentary. Acknowledging that the holidays are complicated—and not always picture-perfect—is an important step toward treating yourself with compassion. While you can’t control every situation or every comment, you can take steps to protect your well-being. 

Here are some strategies to help you navigate food and body image stress during the holidays:

Be clear about your boundaries

You have the right to protect your peace, and it’s okay to have boundaries about what you will and won’t accept. If you’re not comfortable discussing your body, food choices, or appearance, you can let others know in advance. Remember that boundaries outline what you will do - not what someone else will do. Try phrases like:

  • “I’m not comfortable talking about my body. Let’s focus on catching up instead.”

  • “I’d rather not discuss dieting. Can we talk about [other topic]?”

  • “If you continue to talk about my body that way, I will have to walk away.”

Create a game plan for mealtime

If you’re anxious about food-focused gatherings, it can help to plan ahead. Imagine the event in your head, and come up with options for each different scenario you’re worried about. It can be calming to know that you have a plan in place ahead of time. Think about how you’ll respond to family and friends who bring up difficult topics. Make a plan for how you’ll nourish yourself throughout the celebration. This might include eating regularly throughout the day (even if there’s a big meal coming up), practicing mindfulness during group meals, or bringing a dish that feels safe and satisfying for you, regardless of what everyone else is eating. 

Think about who you can lean on

We all need support, and knowing you have someone you can talk to outside of the situation can be comforting. Choose one or two supportive people to lean on during holiday events that you’re worried about. This could be a partner, friend, or therapist. Let them know how you’re feeling and what you’re concerned about.  Remind yourself that you can ask for help if you need it—whether that means stepping outside for a breath of fresh air or figuring out how to redirect a tricky conversation. Think about what kind of comfort you’d like during difficult holiday moments, and communicate those needs to your support person so they know how to show up for you in a way that feels supportive. 

Don’t be a jerk to yourself

You might not get through every holiday moment without feeling triggered, and that’s okay. What’s important is that you treat yourself with compassion. When upsetting emotions come up, treat yourself with the same kindness you’d offer a friend, or even your younger self. If you find it hard to treat yourself with kindness, remind yourself:

  • “It’s okay to have a hard day.”

  • “My worth is not defined by my appearance.”

  • “I’m allowed to take up space, exactly as I am.”

Consider limiting social media

Social media is a highlight reel, but it’s hard to remember that when you’re upset. Scrolling through perfectly curated holiday photos can increase feelings of inadequacy and comparison, instead of being a cheerful reminder of the season. Consider setting boundaries with social media or unfollowing accounts that promote diet culture or unrealistic beauty standards, especially during emotionally vulnerable times like the holidays. 

Get help from a therapist

Working with a therapist who understands food and body image issues can provide a supportive space to process your emotions, identify triggers, and develop tools to navigate the holidays with confidence. If disordered eating, body image struggles, or family dynamics feel overwhelming, therapy can be a game-changer for finding peace and healing.

If you're finding this season especially difficult, consider reaching out to a therapist who practices from a weight-neutral, compassionate lens. You deserve support, healing, and the freedom to exist in your body without judgment—during the holidays and every day.  Contact our office today to make an appointment!

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Thanksgiving Survival Guide

Thanksgiving is nearly here, and with that can come a lot of complicated emotions. If you’re feeling anxious about the upcoming holiday season, kicked off by Thanksgiving this week, you’re not alone. To help, we’ve gone through our blog to date and gathered up posts we think will help you get through this season.

Thanksgiving is nearly here, and with that can come a lot of complicated emotions. 

If you’re feeling anxious about the upcoming holiday season, kicked off by Thanksgiving this week, you’re not alone. To help, we’ve gone through our blog to date and gathered up posts we think will help you get through this season: 

For managing a fraught relationship with your body: 

The holiday season is a tough time for folks who struggle with their body image, disordered eating, or compulsive exercising. So much of the season is focused on food, so if you have a hard time treating your body with kindness and meeting its needs regularly, being surrounded by food and food talk can be triggering. Here are some blogs to help you incorporate some kindness toward your body into the season: 

For help navigating uncomfortable conversations: 

Family gatherings can be wonderful, but they can also remind us how not everyone we encounter will share our world view or values. When hard subjects come up, it’s up to you whether or not it’s the right time to really dive into things, but when you do, remember to do it with care and intention. These blogs can help you move through hard conversations with compassion and respect–for yourself and who you’re talking to. While some of them explore difficult conversations between romantic partners, the basic ideas can be applied to any relationship. 

For moments of high anxiety or emotional disregulation: 

Big gatherings don’t always go smoothly, and it’s possible that when surrounded by family with complicated relationships to one another, that there may be moments where you feel anxious, tense, or like your emotions aren’t quite in your control. Use these blogs to help you work through those moments with self compassion and intention. 

Remember, the holiday season doesn’t last forever, even though it seems endless when you’re dreading it. If you’re struggling with social anxiety this holiday season, working with a therapist can help. Contact our office today to make an appointment!

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7 Tips for Dealing With Travel Anxiety

If travel triggers anxiety for you, you’re not alone! There are things you can do to manage travel anxiety and still enjoy your trip. 

Does traveling stress you out? 

Traveling can be a lot of fun, and it’s a wonderful way to learn more about the world, make new memories, and get away from your everyday routine. Traveling can also be a major source of stress and anxiety, even when you’re looking forward to your trip. Traveling involves a lot of logistics and even discomfort at times, which can be stressful to stay on top of. It can also be overwhelming to navigate new places, meet new people, and check off everything you want to do while you’re traveling. 

It’s important to note that some people have concerns about accessibility and even safety while traveling. Women, BIPOC, LGBTQ+, and disabled individuals often face unique barriers, risks, biases, and concerns when visiting new places.

If travel triggers anxiety for you, you’re not alone! There are things you can do to manage travel anxiety and still enjoy your trip. 

Why is travel so stressful?

It’s easy to see why so many of us feel a sense of unease when planning or embarking on a trip. Travel asks us to let go of control—to trust the journey, the destination, and the unknown people we’ll meet along the way. And while we may look forward to new experiences, many of us feel deeply vulnerable when we leave our comfort zones.

For women, safety is a constant concern, especially in unfamiliar areas. The need to stay vigilant, observe cultural customs, and remain aware of personal safety is real and valid. For BIPOC travelers, experiences of racial or cultural bias can add another layer of stress, leaving travelers wondering if they’ll be welcomed or treated fairly. 

LGBTQ+ travelers may face countries or cities with restrictive views and laws about gender identity or sexual orientation, raising concerns about safety and respect. Disabled folks may be unable to access appropriate accommodations to allow them to visit the places they want to see and experience, and travel can often be debilitating physically with the constant stress and sensory overload. All these fears are valid, and recognizing them is an essential part of addressing travel anxiety.

Even though it’s stressful, travel has many benefits

Despite the challenges, travel offers benefits that can outweigh the concerns. Stepping into new environments can lead to inspiration, and personal growth. For many, travel acts as a reset button, creating space to experience life in a different light and take a break from day-to-day stressors. Having time away from the daily stresses of life can help you feel more refreshed and resourced when you return home. 

Studies have shown that time away from work and familiar routines can relieve symptoms of depression and anxiety, provide a boost in creativity, and increase emotional resilience. Even just the act of planning a trip—dreaming about a new destination, setting goals, and picturing yourself there—can uplift your mood and contribute to your overall quality of life. Travel can also spark feelings of independence and confidence as you navigate new places and learn to rely on yourself. It’s powerful to realize that you’re capable of doing the things you’ve dreamed about. 

So, how can we cope with travel anxiety?

If anxiety has been holding you back from exploring the world, there are things you can do to ease the stress and make travel more enjoyable. Whether you’re setting off on a long journey or planning a weekend getaway, here are some techniques to try:

Plan, But Leave Space for Flexibility

Having a detailed plan can give you a sense of control, which helps reduce anxiety. Knowing where you’re staying, how you’ll get around, and what you’ll do on your trip can ease some of the mental load. Figuring out how you’ll cope ahead of time can help you feel less on edge with all of the unknowns that travel can bring. Instead of being too rigid with your plans, though, allow yourself some flexibility on your travels. You might find that what you thought you’d want to do and what you actually want to (or are able to) do are different things. Allowing yourself to be flexible can help you feel like you’re making the most out of your trip instead of rushing to check things off a list. 

For example, you can book your accommodations, outline a general itinerary, practice the language, and research how to get around. But remember to leave space for unexpected detours, which can bring joy and surprise to your travels.

Establish a Personal Safety Plan

Having safety strategies in place can reduce fear, especially in unfamiliar or high-stress environments. When you practice what to do in a dangerous situation ahead of time, you make it easier to take that action in the moment. When you’re afraid or in shock, it’s hard to think of what to do, so the more your safety plan is ingrained in your muscle memory, the better prepared you will be. 

Research your destination’s safety for women, BIPOC, disabled, and LGBTQ+ travelers. Download local emergency numbers, share your itinerary with someone you trust, and stay in areas known to be safe for your identity. Apps like Sitata and GeoSure can provide real-time safety information for travelers so you can monitor things as you go. 

Practice Relaxation Techniques on the Go

During moments of stress, it can be hard to break out of the overwhelm. Techniques like deep breathing, mindfulness, and grounding exercises can help you to soothe anxiety when it arises.

Try grounding exercises, such as the 5-4-3-2-1 technique (naming five things you can see, four things you can feel, three things you can hear, two things you can smell, and one thing you can taste). Progressive muscle relaxation or deep breathing exercises can also help you connect to your body and calm your mind, especially before flights or upon arrival.

Pack a Comfort Kit

Having what you need on hand as you travel makes the experience infinitely better. Sleep and digestion often go haywire during travel, so make sure you have what you need to get a good night’s sleep and to relieve any digestive discomfort you experience. In addition, bringing a few familiar items can help you feel connected to home and grounded during your journey, especially if you’ll be traveling for an extended period. 

Bring all of your medications and any over the counter remedies you rely on to get through the day. Also include items that soothe you, like a cozy scarf, a favorite tea, a travel journal, or a comforting playlist. Having a few go-to items can make unfamiliar surroundings feel a bit more like home.

Set Boundaries with Social Media

It can be hard to balance enjoying your time traveling with the pressure to show off how much fun you’re having online. Constantly updating others on social media or feeling pressure to share every experience can add to travel stress and prevent you from enjoying the present. 

Before you leave, think about how much you want to share and when. You might try uploading all your photos and updates at the end of each day or even waiting until you’re back home to post. Giving yourself this boundary can take away the pressure to “perform” your trip for others. Remember, your trip is for you. Do you want to have memories of looking at your phone, or of experiencing what’s around you? 

Learn Grounding Phrases for Language and Self-Advocacy

Feeling prepared can help you feel less anxiety around travel, and that includes knowing how to communicate where you’re going. Knowing some basic phrases in the local language, or even practicing key phrases for self-advocacy, can increase your sense of control.

If you’re going somewhere where you don’t speak the language, learn a few words or phrases before you leave. Focus on words like “please,” “thank you,” “I need help,” and “I don’t understand.” Knowing these basics can empower you in unfamiliar situations. It can also be helpful to look up cultural customs that travelers should be aware of before you visit, so you can be as respectful of your location as possible. 

Talk Through Your Concerns Before You Go

Sometimes, talking about your anxiety can help you feel better. Discussing your anxieties with someone you trust provides reassurance and validation, and reminds you that you have people who care about you. Talking to others about your concerns can also give you new tips and insight on traveling from people who have been there before. 

Reach out to a friend, family member, or therapist to share your worries. You might talk through worst-case scenarios and how you’d handle them, or get advice from someone who’s been there before. Verbalizing concerns can reduce the power they hold over you. 

If you’re overwhelmed with travel anxiety, working with a therapist can help. We work with folks in the McLean, Great Falls, Falls Church, Arlington, Alexandria, and the greater Washington DC regions, as well as offering online services in DC, MD, VA, and all PSYPACT states. If you would like to talk to one of our therapists, please contact us here.

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6 Practical Ways to Cope with Post-Election Anxiety

Your feelings post-election are valid, including anxiety for what’s to come. These are a few ways to cope with post-election anxiety.

If you’ve spent this week worried about your future and the future of the people you love, you’re not alone. 

The aftermath of this election probably feels heavy for many, especially when the stakes are as high as they are for women, BIPOC, LGBTQ+ individuals, and other communities that have faced marginalization in the United States. The mixed emotions people feel after election results—fear, anxiety, frustration—are valid.

Many people are deeply concerned about what these results may mean for women’s rights, bodily autonomy, immigrant rights, trans rights, marriage equality, healthcare, and more. By practicing compassionate self-care, building resilience, and finding ways to support our communities, we can help ease this anxiety, protect our well-being, and create hope for the future.

First of all: post-election fear and anxiety is valid

It’s understandable to feel afraid or anxious in the coming days and weeks, as we grapple with the results of this election. If you’re feeling unmoored, you’re not the only one. Many of us are concerned about the future of human rights, the potential rollback of protections for our families, workers, and the environment, and what this means for our loved ones and communities. Fear about state violence, endless war, immigration policies, and the safety of LGBTQ+ individuals—particularly trans folks—is grounded in the lived realities of many. 

When basic rights and freedoms are on the line, it’s natural to feel shaken. It makes sense to feel afraid when things are frightening. 

These concerns can be especially pressing for women, BIPOC, and LGBTQ+ communities, who may have experienced the impact of restrictive policies or harmful rhetoric in the past. If you’re feeling like your mental health is taking a hit from all this uncertainty, know that you’re not alone. While it’s natural to feel uncertain, getting stuck in a state of despair and fear isn’t actually going to help anyone at this moment. GIve yourself time to feel your feelings, but make sure that you don’t stay in grief-mode forever. 

Second: remember that there’s power in community and resilience

While the current landscape can seem bleak, there are things to be hopeful about. One of the most powerful tools we have is our ability to come together, lean on one another, and work toward a future that reflects our values as communities. The concerns we have about what’s coming can bring us closer to our communities, who share those fears. As humans, we are social creatures, and we crave being with others. We often find strength, resilience, and support in others, and building connections with other people can help us feel like there is more good in the world than bad.

One powerful way to address political and social anxiety is through building community. 

It’s natural to feel isolated during difficult times, but we’re often stronger together. Building community is a skill that can help buffer us from the stress and anxiety of an unpredictable future.

Community-building isn’t always easy; it involves learning to navigate conflict, respect differences, and communicate openly. But when we come together to support each other, we create networks of resilience that allow us to withstand challenges more effectively. Everyone has something to offer at this moment, whether it’s a skill, an open ear, or a comforting presence.

Every movement for change was built step by step, and we’re part of that ongoing journey. Staying connected with what matters to us, whether through advocacy, education, or supporting those affected, can give us a sense of purpose and hope.

6 Practical Ways to Cope with Post-Election Anxiety

Your feelings right now are valid, and there are certainly things to be concerned about, which can make taming anxiety difficult. These are a few ways to care for your mental health and take action.

Acknowledge your feelings

Beating yourself up for how you feel isn’t going to be helpful for anyone. Give yourself space to feel anxious, angry, or afraid without the need to “get over it” immediately. Bottling emotions can add to stress, so allow yourself to process in whatever way feels right—whether through journaling, speaking with friends, or engaging in quiet reflection. You’re allowed to have feelings. 

Set boundaries if you need to

It’s easy to feel overwhelmed by news cycles and social media, and the algorithms that they run on thrive on intense emotion, like fear. If updates are causing more stress than reassurance, set limits on how often you check them. Staying informed is valuable, but constant exposure can heighten anxiety. 

It’s also important to curate your sources to follow trustworthy, balanced reporting or advocacy-focused accounts that align with your values. In a time of mass misinformation and disinformation, it’s tricky for people to determine what’s true and what’s not. Learning how to spot misinformation, disinformation, and propaganda can help you make sense of what you see on your screen. This type of media literacy is very rare, and it is a valuable skill to both learn and share. 

Join a group or community

It might be helpful for you to narrow your level of focus from the whole country to your local area when things feel overwhelming. Learning who is doing what already in your area can help you determine what kind of community needs there are. There are groups out there doing work on things you care about! Starting with organizations that are already on the ground doing the work can help you feel more connected to the community around you. 

Community doesn’t come naturally to everyone, but it can be cultivated with intentionality. Find people who share your concerns and are also looking for ways to feel empowered in the face of adversity. Remember that community can take many forms—from neighborhood groups to online forums, advocacy organizations, or therapy support groups.

Focus on small actions

It’s easy to feel helpless, but change can begin with small, consistent actions. Consider the causes that matter most to you and think about how you can support those efforts—whether that’s through advocacy, volunteer work, supporting community initiatives, or simply having open and supportive conversations with those around you.

Taking even small actions to support a cause you care about can ease anxiety and foster a sense of control. Every effort counts, and collective action grows through individual contributions.

Here are a few ideas for taking meaningful steps forward:

  • Join local or national advocacy groups focused on your concerns.

  • Find or form community spaces where people can come together, share stories, and support one another.

  • Commit to self-education on issues that impact your community.

  • Practice “gentle activism”—actions that allow you to contribute without overwhelming yourself, such as sharing resources or creating safe, welcoming spaces for open dialogue.

Lead with compassion

Remember to show yourself and others in your community compassion right now. Elections can stir up intense emotions. Practicing mindfulness—like deep breathing, meditation, or grounding exercises—can help you feel more calm in anxious moments. 

Self-compassion practices remind us that it’s okay to feel affected by what’s happening, but it’s also okay to give ourselves a break from the weight of it. There is a ton of divisiveness out there right now, as we know all too well. 

How can you bring some kindness into your corner of the world? Let’s lean into this moment with compassion—for ourselves and for each other. We are stronger and more resilient together. 

Get help when you need it 

The world can feel overwhelming, but by balancing mental health care with intentional action, we can find ways to channel that anxiety into resilience. In challenging times, even the smallest steps toward supporting each other and taking action can make a difference.

If you’re finding it difficult to manage your emotions or cope with post-election stress, consider reaching out to a mental health professional. Therapy can provide a safe space to process feelings, develop coping strategies, and reconnect with your strengths, even when the future feels uncertain. 

Are you in need of extra mental health support in the aftermath of the 2024 election? We can help. We work with folks in the McLean, Great Falls, Falls Church, Arlington, Alexandria, and the greater Washington DC regions, as well as offering online services in DC, MD, VA, and all PSYPACT states. If you would like to talk to one of our therapists, please contact us here.

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Crown Creatives Virtual Services Crown Creatives Virtual Services

I Want to Start Therapy: What Do I Need to Know?

Starting therapy can be overwhelming. How do you know therapy will be helpful? How do you find a therapist that’s right for you? What should you prepare for, in your first session? How much of therapy takes place in therapy, and how much work will you have to do outside of your one on one time? These are common questions, and we want to help you feel informed and prepared.

I’m thinking of starting therapy, what do I need to know?

Starting therapy can be overwhelming. If it’s been something in the back of your mind for a while, you might feel yourself stalling, rather than getting a jump on the process, simply because there’s no clear path to know when or how to get started with therapy. 

How do you know it will be helpful? How do you find a therapist that’s right for you? What should you prepare for, in your first session? How much of therapy takes place in therapy, and how much work will you have to do outside of your one on one time?

These are common questions, and we want to help you feel informed and prepared. Below are five blogs you may find helpful as you embark on this new journey: 

What types of therapy exist?

Therapy is not one size fits all. There are many different modalities and approaches your therapist may specialize in, and the speciality or approach you need may depend on your specific circumstances. At Hope+Wellness we have many different therapists with many different specialities, some of which you can find an introduction to below: 

How can therapy support me?

Therapy can offer a wide array of support–whether it be navigating a current crisis, exploring your identity, working on your communication skills, strengthening your relationships, therapy can offer the space and tools you need. While it’s definitely not an inclusive list, below are five ways therapy can help support you:

How can I navigate difficult moments in therapy?

While therapy can be transformational and validating, it’s not always easy. It can even be difficult to address things with your therapist sometimes! If your therapist says something that hurts your feelings, or you find yourself dreading going to therapy, it’s not always a sign that things aren’t working for you–it may be a sign that some uncomfortable conversations need to be had. These blogs can help you prepare to navigate those situations, and recognize when they’re a sign of a larger problem: 

Are you interested in therapy? Our clinicians at Hope+Wellness offer therapy in our office and online. We serve the McLean, Great Falls, Falls Church, Arlington, Alexandria, and the greater Washington DC regions, as well as offering online services in DC, MD, VA, and all PSYPACT states. If you would like to talk to one of our therapists, please contact info@hope-wellness.com.

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Entrepreneurs Crown Creatives Virtual Services Entrepreneurs Crown Creatives Virtual Services

How Therapy Can Help Entrepreneurs Thrive Instead of Survive

As an entrepreneur, therapy can make a real difference in your business and personal life, while meeting you right where you are. Here’s how.

Entrepreneurship can feel like a thrilling adventure, but let's be honest—it can also be incredibly lonely, high-pressure, and exhausting. 

If you're a business owner, you're likely juggling an endless to-do list, constantly making decisions, and facing uncertainty on a daily basis. It’s a lot of pressure to have the livelihoods of people rest on your shoulders! Starting a business is a ton of work, any way you slice it. It can be hard for non business owners to relate to what you’re going through, so working on your own business can be a lonely prospect, even when you’re passionate about it. While the excitement of building something from the ground up is undeniable, the weight of that responsibility can take a toll on your mental health. This is where therapy can be a game-changer. 

Working with a therapist doesn’t just help you survive as an entrepreneur—it helps you thrive. 

As an entrepreneur, therapy can make a real difference in your business and personal life, while meeting you right where you are. Here’s how:

Improve Work-Life Balance 

Entrepreneurs often blur the lines between work and life, especially when starting a business. It can seem like there aren’t enough hours in the day when you’re running your own business, and it can be hard to know when to stop when you still have so much to do. Pouring everything you have into your business can come at a steep cost to your health and your relationships. 

Therapy can help you step back, re-evaluate how you're balancing your time, and find ways to create more joy, meaning, and fulfillment across all areas of your life. A therapist helps you ensure that you're thriving not just professionally but also personally.

Take Creative Risks and Develop Business Instincts

Being an entrepreneur often requires taking risks, and that can be terrifying. Therapy offers a safe space to explore the fears and insecurities that might hold you back from reaching your full creative potential. Working with a therapist can help you learn more about your strengths and help you tune in to your sense of intuition, so you can trust yourself more and take those big leaps with confidence in your business. 

Freedom from Anxiety, Stress, and Depression

The weight of entrepreneurship can sometimes lead to anxiety, depression, or burnout. Stress is often a daily experience when you’re running your own business. Working with a therapist can give you the tools to navigate the mental health challenges that often accompany running a business, helping you gain freedom from the constant stress and pressure. When you're feeling overwhelmed, a therapist helps you ground yourself and find ways to ease the emotional burden, while giving you a safe space to discuss what’s going on. 

Find Your Voice as a Leader

You are the driving force behind your business, but do you feel confident in your leadership? Therapy can help you discover and develop your unique voice as a leader. Whether it's practice making tough decisions, learning how to build a team, and developing your management skills, therapy helps you refine your communication skills and grow into the kind of leader that inspires trust and connection. 

Connect to Your Core Values

Many entrepreneurs struggle with staying true to themselves amid the demands of running a business. Therapy allows you to understand and connect with your core values, which can help you find your "true north" so you can make decisions from a place of authenticity. Exploring what’s truly important to you can be a powerful guide in both your personal and professional life, because knowing what you value helps you make decisions that feel more aligned with who you are. 

Build a Community

Building a business can feel isolating, but therapy can help you find and connect with your people—whether that's your clients, a supportive community, or a business network. A therapist can also teach you how to communicate in a way that maximizes your impact as a business owner, helping you build relationships that truly matter in and out of work. 

Redefine Failure and Keep a Growth Mindset

All entrepreneurs face failure—it’s inevitable when you’re starting something new, both in big and small ways. Remember that failure doesn’t have to be something that stops you in your tracks. Through therapy, you can reframe how you view setbacks, seeing them as opportunities for growth instead of evidence of your limitations. You can learn from your past without punishing yourself for it, which can help you grow. Maintaining a growth mindset helps you stay adaptable and open to change, no matter what challenges come your way.

Enhance Emotional Intelligence and Leadership Skills

Running a business isn’t just about strategy; it’s about people, but we don’t always have the people skills we need to do things effectively. Developing emotional intelligence through therapy improves your ability to connect, influence, and lead others. You’ll learn how to communicate with empathy and foster an environment where both you and your team can thrive. Therapy can also help you practice emotional regulation, which is essential for effective leaders. 

Practice Stillness and Intuition

In the hustle of entrepreneurship, it’s easy to lose touch with yourself and what you need. Working with a therapist can help you to develop practices of stillness and reflection, allowing you to tune into your intuition. When you cultivate this practice, you’ll notice how it strengthens your decision-making and keeps you grounded, even when the chaos of running a business threatens to overwhelm you. Therapy offers you a chance to learn how to create kind, compassionate space for yourself — and others, which is essential for successful businesses. 

Celebrate Strengths 

As an entrepreneur, it's easy to focus on what’s not working or where you feel inadequate. Our brains naturally focus on the negative, and it takes real practice to notice and celebrate the positive. Therapy offers you a safe place to acknowledge and celebrate your successes and strengths, and build upon them. 

Get Support That Fits Your Schedule

One of the challenges of being a business owner is finding time for everything, including self-care. That’s why online therapy is a perfect fit for entrepreneurs. You can meet with your therapist from anywhere—whether you’re at home, at your office, or even traveling for work. Scheduling therapy sessions around your busy life gives you the flexibility you need, without sacrificing the mental health support that can help you thrive, in your personal life and in your business.

Achieve Alignment in Life and Business

Therapy helps you align your life and your business in a way that feels sustainable and fulfilling. You’ll gain the self-awareness, emotional intelligence, and leadership abilities you need to navigate challenges, seize opportunities, and create a business that supports the life you want to live.

Your journey as a business owner is unique—and you deserve the support that empowers you to keep moving forward. If you’re looking for a safe place to explore everything that comes with being an entrepreneur, working with a therapist can help. Our clinicians are accepting new clients, so reach out to us today to begin. 

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Crown Creatives Virtual Services Crown Creatives Virtual Services

What Parents Should Know About Teen Depression: A Compassionate Guide for Supporting Your Teen

It’s a hard place to be, and the first thing to know is that you’re not alone. This is something lots of other parents have to manage, and while it can feel overwhelming, there are things you can do to help. Try to remind yourself that depression is treatable, so your teen won’t have to feel trapped in these feelings forever. 

Knowing that your teen is depressed can be scary as a parent. 

It can feel like it goes against everything you labor for as a parent to see them struggle to get out of bed, or lose interest in their hobbies, or pull away from their friends. You’re watching them lose sleep, watching their grades drop, and you want to help but you don’t know how. 

It’s a hard place to be, and the first thing to know is that you’re not alone. This is something lots of other parents have to manage, and while it can feel overwhelming, there are things you can do to help. Try to remind yourself that depression is treatable, so your teen won’t have to feel trapped in these feelings forever. 

First, how do you know when it’s time to be concerned?

Sometimes, regular parts of being a teenager can be difficult for parents because it’s such a drastic change from what they’re used to. Teens pulling away, sharing less of their interests with their parents, and spending more time privately is not uncommon for most teens. Their gaining more independence and developing a stronger sense of self, so they don’t need their parents in the same way they did as a small child.

So how do you know when they’re pulling away from you to explore their independence, and when they’re pulling away from everything because they’re depressed?

Unpredictable moods that seem to emotionally impact them as well: 

It’s easy to feel like teens are having mood swings when they get annoyed with us as parents, but feeling annoyed with their parents now and again isn’t itself a sign of concern. If your teen seems to be overwhelmed by their own feelings, like they can’t control them and it’s creating distress for them, that’s a sign for concern.  

Changes in sleep:

It’s normal for teens to need a lot of sleep, so sleeping in a lot probably isn’t a sign of concern–especially considering how early teens have to wake up for school, and how much mental and physical energy is taken up by school and extracurriculars, it makes sense they’re making the most of their weekends as time to sleep in. But have their sleep patterns changed dramatically? Are they having trouble getting to sleep, or staying asleep? Are they more than tired–do they seem groggy or fatigued even hours after they’ve woken up? Do they seem tired all the time, but are also unable to sleep? Fatigue and sleep difficulty can be symptoms of something larger. 

Drop in academic performance: 

While it may not necessarily indicate that your teen is depressed, if they’ve typically had a steady academic performance and are suddenly struggling or their grades are high one day and low the next, that indicates that something is preventing them from being able to function at their typical level. Are they struggling with a teacher or a subject? Is something happening at school that’s making them unable to focus on their schoolwork? Whether it’s because they’re struggling with feelings of depression, or another reason, unpredictable changes in academic performance can signal they need support somewhere. 

How to help: 

Remember, while what you’re going through is frightening and difficult, so is what your teen is going through. They might be confused and overwhelmed, and even feel hopeless. They may not know how to explain what’s happening to them, and it might be hard for them to admit that they need help. Your teen might be thinking things like “I have no reason to feel this way,” or “my parents are going to be so upset with me for all the schoolwork I’ve missed,” or “no one else is struggling like this, I’m such a failure.”

Internalizing these feelings of shame and fear can make it hard for them to reach out, which is why they may not ask you for help directly. That’s why it’s important for parents to be proactive in noticing these signs and offering support in ways that feel safe and affirming for their teen. Here are some gentle methods to supporting your teen through this: 

When you start to talk about what they’re going through, keep the conversation focused on their experience: 

Instead of making the conversation about how much you’re worried about them, let them know you’ve noticed they haven’t been themselves lately. Let them know you want to be there to help them feel safe and supported as they figure out what they need to get back to a place they feel good in. Make space to listen to them and what they’re experiencing, and let them know that while all the burdens they’re shouldering right now are hard, there are ways to get treatment so they won’t feel that weight forever. 

It may feel challenging to support your teen when you feel frustrated and afraid for the way their depression has been affecting them. However, your support is invaluable. Try not to be judgmental or critical, but to remain calm and compassionate.

Remember you’re there to support their needs, not fix their problems: 

It may feel passive to listen and support. As a parent, you can see what they need to do and all you may want to do is problem solve and resolve their issues for them. It is natural to feel this way. However, increasing your control over their behavior and problem solving for them can come across as judgmental, controlling, or invalidating. Your teen will need to learn how to manage their feelings and problem solve on their own. Your guidance, relationship, and support are essential during this time.

Acknowledge when they do something supportive for themselves, not just what you’re concerned about: 

Depression can result from a lack of positive experience in the environment. With the pressures of high school and college admissions, this can particularly be the case. Try to notice when your teen is engaging in healthy, positive behaviors such as spending time with friends, or going on a walk to relax and unwind. Spend quality time with them and encourage them to engage in activities that will improve their activity and functioning, such as taking a run, walking the dog, spending time with friends, engaging in a hobby. 

Encourage these opportunities without criticism or judgment. It’s understandable that your teen may be doing less of these activities, as that is a sign of depression. Gently let them know you understand, validating their feelings, while encouraging them to continue engaging in life’s activities.

Getting Your Teen the Help They Need

Try to learn more about the signs and symptoms of depression. Speak with other parents and connect with resources available to you. This can help with understanding how best to support your teen, particularly if you have not experienced depression yourself. Some helpful resources include:

Therapy can be a great source of support and treatment for depression. In therapy, your teen will have a safe place where they can work through their feelings and learn skills that have been found helpful and effective in managing depression. Many studies in particular, have found cognitive behavioral therapy (CBT) and dialectical behavior therapy (DBT) for the treatment of depression. The journey may be difficult, but with love and care, your teen can find their way back to a steadier, happier self.

Our team of therapists at Hope+Wellness can help your teen navigate life with depression, and support them as they find ways to thrive. Whether you’d prefer a virtual appointment or to come into one of our offices in Northern Virginia or D.C., our clinicians have experience supporting college students during this time of change and growth. Contact us today to get started. 

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Relationships Dr. Victoria Ranade Relationships Dr. Victoria Ranade

Understanding Your Attachment Style to Improve Your Relationships

Understanding your attachment style more deeply can be a key to not only improving romantic partnerships, but also deepening your connection with family, friends, coworkers, and your community as a whole.

Have you ever noticed patterns that keep coming up in your relationships with others?

If you have, you’re not alone. These patterns can often be traced back to what’s called your attachment style. Your attachment style is the way that you form relationships with the people closest to you, and it’s heavily influenced by the way you were treated by your caregivers growing up. 

Being in relationships with other people can sometimes bring up complicated feelings, and even lead us to behave in ways we don’t always understand. When we experience disconnection in our relationships, some of us might tend to pull away, while others might cling even harder to the other person. Some of us might do some combination of both. Often, these reactions aren’t something that we think about - they’re fairly automatic responses that we’ve been using since childhood.

When we talk about attachment, we often think about romantic relationships, but romantic relationships aren’t the only relationships where attachment styles come into play. The way we attach to others affects all aspects of our lives, from friendships to workplace dynamics, and even how we connect with family members. 

Understanding your attachment style more deeply can be a key to not only improving romantic partnerships, but also deepening your connection with family, friends, coworkers, and your community as a whole.

Where our attachment styles come from

Attachment theory was initially developed by British psychologist John Bowlby in the 1950s. It explored the emotional connection between a child and their primary caregiver. Bowlby’s work, which was later expanded on by developmental psychologist Mary Ainsworth, identified distinct patterns of attachment in children. These patterns are largely determined by how caregivers respond to the child’s needs for comfort and security.

Throughout childhood, the ways our caregivers respond to our emotional needs teach us what to expect from others. Emotional connection is actually a matter of life or death for us when we’re young. Think about it - without the help of a caregiver, babies wouldn’t be able to survive on their own. The care we receive as children influences how we perceive relationships as we grow up, and we carry these relational patterns into adulthood. 

If our caregivers were emotionally available and attuned when we were children, we are more likely to form secure attachments. On the other hand, inconsistent or emotionally distant caregiving can lead to developing an insecure attachment style. These patterns don't just stay within the confines of childhood—they influence how we form and maintain all kinds of relationships later in life.

What are the different attachment styles?

There are four main attachment styles that people develop in childhood: Secure Attachment, and then what are known as insecure attachment styles, which include Anxious Attachment, Avoidant Attachment, and Disorganized Attachment. 

Anxious Attachment

Anxiously attached individuals often worry about being abandoned or not being loved enough. This fear stems from inconsistent caregiving—perhaps you received comfort and attention from your caregivers some of the time, but at other times, it was unavailable. As a result, you might feel a heightened need for reassurance in relationships.

In adult relationships, this may manifest as needing constant validation from friends, partners, or even colleagues, with a persistent fear that relationships could fall apart. You might feel overly sensitive to any perceived rejection or distancing. This can be overwhelming to deal with, especially if your partner also has an insecure attachment style, and lead to wedges in your relationships, which is the opposite of what you crave. 

Avoidant Attachment

People with an avoidant attachment style tend to downplay their emotional needs and prefer to be independent. This attachment style is often a result of caregivers being emotionally unavailable or dismissive of your needs when you were growing up. 

In adult relationships, you may feel uncomfortable with intimacy or vulnerability. You might prefer to keep relationships at arm’s length. This can affect romantic relationships as well as friendships, making it hard to connect deeply. You might find yourself pulling away from others when emotional closeness is expected. If your partner also has an insecure attachment style, the ways they try to gain closeness might feel suffocating to you, which leads to you pulling away further, making the cycle worse. 

Disorganized Attachment

A disorganized attachment style is often the result of trauma, neglect, or inconsistent caregiving that fluctuates between comfort and fear. Children with this attachment style learn that their caregivers are sources of both safety and harm, creating confusion and anxiety around connection.

In adult relationships, disorganized attachment can show up as chaotic or unpredictable relationship patterns. You may feel drawn to relationships but fear being hurt, leading to push-pull dynamics or difficulty trusting others. Often, the inconsistency can be confusing for other people you’re in relationships with, and lead to further disconnection. 

Secure Attachment

A secure attachment style develops when your caregivers were consistently responsive to your emotional needs when you were young. Because of this, you learned that relationships are safe, stable, and nurturing. 

In adult relationships, those with a secure attachment style tend to have healthier relationship dynamics. You likely feel comfortable being vulnerable, can trust others, and can navigate conflict with confidence. Having a secure attachment style can be a protective factor during times of relationship stress and conflict, because you trust that you will eventually return to safety together. 

How our attachment styles show up in our relationships

While we often think of attachment in the context of romantic partnerships, your attachment style can influence different relationships, including:

  • Friendships: An anxiously attached person might worry excessively about whether their friends truly like them, while someone with an avoidant style might struggle to be fully present in intimate friendships.

  • Workplace: In professional environments, someone with disorganized attachment may experience heightened stress around authority figures or struggle with trust and communication, while securely attached individuals are more likely to collaborate confidently.

  • Family: For those with avoidant attachment, emotional distance might extend into family dynamics, leading to feelings of isolation or disconnect.

How can you determine which attachment style you tend to fall into?

Understanding which attachment style you tend to experience can help you recognize negative patterns and explain why you tend to react in certain ways when you feel disconnected in your relationships. Determining which attachment style you gravitate toward takes self reflection on your patterns from childhood to now. 

You can begin by:

  • Reflecting on your childhood experiences: How did your caregivers respond when you needed comfort or support? Were they consistently available, or were their responses unpredictable? Did you feel like you could rely on your caregivers for safety?

  • Noticing patterns in your relationships: Do you find yourself constantly seeking reassurance from others? Or do you tend to pull away when people get too close? Do you find yourself in a confusing push-pull pattern? 

  • Taking an online assessment: There are online quizzes and self-assessments that can help you identify your attachment style. Keep in mind that anyone can make an online quiz, though. An online assessment might be a good starting point before you begin working with a mental health professional.

  • Working with a therapist: Therapy can be an excellent place to dive deeper into your attachment patterns and explore the impact they have on your adult relationships. A therapist can help you reflect on your childhood experiences as well as your adult relationships, and help you determine which attachment style you tend to experience. 

Attachment style isn’t fixed

One important thing to note is that your attachment style isn't set in stone. Your attachment style is a relational trait that can change over time, especially as you grow in self-awareness and experience new, healthier relationships. You might also experience a different attachment style in different relationships. You might experience anxious attachment with your romantic partner, and avoidant attachment with a family member, for example. 

Whichever attachment styles you experience, it’s never too late to work toward security, trust, and deeper connection. By understanding your attachment style, you can create more meaningful, fulfilling relationships in every area of your life, from romantic partners to lifelong friends. 

Are you looking for more support in your relationships? Working with a therapist can help you explore your relational patterns and understand your attachment style. Our clinicians have appointments available - contact us today to get started.

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Hope+Wellness is a mental health practice specializing in the treatment of depression, mood, stress, and anxiety in kids, teens, and adults. This is a blog about living well and finding meaning and purpose in the face of difficult challenges. This is a blog about finding hope.