Walk and Talk Therapy
Kind, effective and high quality treatment
walk and talk therapy in northern virginia, maryland, and dc
Walk and Talk Therapy is also known as nature informed therapy. It is inspired by the importance and use of the natural world to foster healing.
Instead of having sessions inside the office, you and your therapist go on a walk together in a quiet neighborhood, public park, or a nearby trail. Through Walk and Talk Therapy, nature is therapeutically incorporated into your sessions to provide you with greater peace, solace, and movement.
Walk and Talk Therapy is always an option for our clients; if you prefer to stay inside for a session, that is fine too and totally up to you!
Sessions are not physically strenuous and involve slow to moderate walking at a pace that is comfortable to you. Clients often feel refreshed and balanced after sessions.
embrace the healing power of nature
Teens and young adults tend to love walk and talk therapy.
Some clients also find that movement helps to facilitate their ability to think outside of the box, to open up, and to better reflect on life in sessions .
Nature holds intuitive wisdom and clients going through a time of grief and loss also find comfort in spending sessions outside together.
Entrepreneurs or busy professionals also often enjoy Walk and Talk Therapy sessions to help think creatively and to feel inspired.
Reconnect to nature with Walk and talk therapy sessions
“Everybody needs beauty as well as bread, places to play in and pray in, where nature may heal and give strength to body and soul alike.”
You are not alone. we’re here to help.
At Hope+Wellness, we provide exceptional psychotherapy services to empower people to live happier, healthier lives. Our services are grounded in evidence-based treatments that suggest an important interconnectedness between mind, body, life experience, and wellness, including Cognitive Behavioral Therapy (CBT), psychodynamic, and mindfulness-based therapies. Our offices serve the greater Washington DC region, including Maryland, Virginia, and Washington DC. We will work together to help you heal and develop the skills to live fully aware, fully resilient, fully peaceful, mindful, and alive.