
School Admissions/Advanced Academic Placement (AAP) Testing for Children and Teens

This is a brief evaluation which is designed to assess your child’s intellectual functioning. It helps to satisfy admissions requirements for independent schools, as well as advanced academic placement and appeals. A licensed psychologist will directly work with your child to make sure they are comfortable and get the best results and performance from them. We have experience with children who are anxious, stressed and overwhelmed and helping them feel calm and comfortable in our office testing environment. We not only report scores, but also observations of your child during testing, which are invaluable to independent schools admissions team, in helping them to understand your child more holistically.

Tests administered include:

  • Weschler Intelligence Test for Children, Fifth Edition (WISC-V)

  • Wechsler Intelligence Scale for Adults, Fourth Edition (WAIS-IV)

  • Woodcock Johnson, Fourth Edition, Tests of Cognitive Abilities (WJ-IV)

  • Woodcock Johnson, Fourth Edition, Tests of Achievement (WJ-IV)